What a surprise! Another foggy raining day in Houston! I was going to talk about this cute casual look today but as I was making my coffee this morning I wanted to get more personal and share what has been bringing me joy and a little extra confidence in my life these past few weeks.
If you have known me for a while now you know I have a heavy dance and theater background (20+ years), and I love talking. This year as I continue to grow, my work and blog have opened some new opportunities for me that involve speaking on my expertise (styling), in public. You may have caught me a couple of times on Great Day Houston and Houston Life as a style expert. But even on Insta stories or my Youtube channel and events; theses are all public forums with an audience watching and listening, which can be a bit intimidating!
Putting Yourself Out There/ Why I am Doing It
With all this happening very quickly, I felt out of practice of taking risks beyond my social medias and websites. I wanted to get into something with human interaction, that is fun and silly, while still pushing myself and developing a valuable talent. I wanted to develop my public speaking and get rid of jitters that come with being on the spot or under pressure. Develop an unscripted public speaking skill. I have taken few Improv acting classes throughout my training, some at Second City in Toronto and some at BRIFT in Juno beach Florida, but never really diving in. So I literally googled “Improv classes in Houston” and found Station Theater. After a email exchange with my Jessica Brown (a performer and instructor) I was signed up for a 9 week course for beginner improv.. lol, and guys, I didn’t even realized we have showcase at the end of the training.
Most Asked Question When I Told My Friends About My Improv Classes:
What is that?
Remember the show “Whose Line Is It Anyway?” Where everything is made up and the points don’t matter. People (not in the arts) tend to confuse Improv with stand-up and sketch comedy. Improv is totally unscripted. In some cases, scenery or characters can be decided by the audience or other players in the show but the actors are building a scene on the spot! It’s kind of like that stereotypical re-occurring nightmare where you have to go on stage in a play and you don’t know your lines…. except its all on purpose. If you haven’t seen Whose Line Youtube it now! It was a favorite show of mine growing up.
Do you have to be funny?
NO, not at all. However, humor definitely finds its way in after you begin to nail down the basics.
Do you have lines?
NO! And that’s what is often the intimidating part. But after a while it’s liberating!
If you don’t have lines… then what do you say?
It’s pretty much up to you and your partner and on the spot. Within the first few lessons, I learned about defining who you are, where you are and what is going on.
Is it scary?
It can be. That’s what classes are for. In the classes I’m taking we are in a judgment free zone where we are all super supportive of each others growth. It not and “individual win” because you are working together the make a scene. You don’t want to be better than your partner you want to support them. We start our with exercises that are masked as games. These get us used to thinking on our feet, connecting words and ideas with one-another which leads to being on the same page with your team members.
I want to try!
Supporting Your Partner On Stage and How It Works into Your Life:
This lesson is what resonated the most with me (so far). It’s easy to be so wrapped up in what you are saying or doing and what’s going with and around you (both on stage and real life) that we forget to be a strong support for our partners and make them look good too! When I say partner this could be anyone: your significant other, an employee, a group presentation, on-air segment, or socializing at a party. Basically when you and your team are onstage and you’re only worried about making yourself look good and not supporting your team, the whole scene falls flat... And this is a lesson that goes beyond the stage.