We make plans, God laughs.
I had some requests to share my birth plan and to be honest it’s not a very complicated or “special” one because I think the most important thing when approaching delivery is to be open and flexible. I have my preferences for how I would like everything to unfold of course (an ideal situation I’m trying to manifest). But I don’t want to be so set in a plan that I am unable process a change that may likely occur.
At my anatomy scan (17 weeks) my placenta was technically a little bit low and the technician said if it didn’t move up in the second trimester I was in for a C-Section delivery, no question. My initial reaction was “hey, whatever we have to do- I’m open”. She answered saying that that was the healthiest way to approach giving birth, so I kind of held onto that instinctual feeling. Receive the news, know there is a new plan that is a safer alternative and move forward with it.
Luckily my placenta moved up and I’m able to move forward with a vaginal delivery as I originally had in mind. That being said lets move into my realistic yet ideal birth plan.
I got these questions from Texas Children’s Hospital birth plan template and it’s helped me collect my thoughts and preferences for this birth.
Birth plan: Preferences for labor, childbirth and immediately after.
Before the Hospital
As of now the plan is to wait for labor to occur naturally. I’m eating dates, going on walks and doing some birth ball exercises to ensure baby boy in in the right position for labor. He has been head down at my past ultrasounds so hopefully he stays there!
Support during labor and birth
1) During labor, I would like to have present:
My husband. Due to covid our hospital has limited the support & visitors to 1 person. Luckily my parents are very close by and we will see them soon enough.
2) During my baby’s birth, I would like to have present:
Same answer as before. There is a midwife option at my practice/hospital but it’s a long story and lots of restrictions that I felt ultimately were not worth the extra hassle.
3) Pain control during labor and birth
Ideally, I do not want to be induced.
Yes to Epidural for me fam. I’d rather not be totally numb, would like to feel something so I can tell if I’m even pushing. However I know epidurals don’t always take well, or they wear off. If that is the case I would like alternate pain relief options if possible.
My health care team understands that I reserve the right to change my mind regarding pain relief.
4) If medically safe for me and my baby, I would like:
- To walk around
- To use the birthing ball and/or rocking chair
- To use the shower (my hospital offers a tub but you have to make a special request to have it set up in the room and since I’m not doing a water birth I feel its just another thing to coordinate and maybe not use).
- To listen to music/ watch movies of my choice (I still need to make a playlist but I’m not to concerned about this)
- To have the lights dimmed
- To have ice chips/sips of water
- To have ice pops or other clear liquids
I would like to labor using the ball / walk around etc for as long as I am able without missing the option for a epidural. But that will have to do with how quickly or slowing I am progressing.
Birth/immediately following birth
5) If medically safe for me and my baby, I would like:
- To have delayed cord clamping & my partner cut the cord after delivery, if possible.
- In the event I require a cesarean section, I would prefer to have my partner with me
- To have the baby placed on my chest in skin-to-skin contact immediately after delivery, unless my baby needs medical attention.
- Have food at the ready. I’m concerned about being hungry during labor. I eat every few hours and a full day or more without food concerns me. I plan on having some snacks, like a power bar or something, in my room for right after if I can, because I don’t know what to expect food wise at the hospital.
6) Feeding preferences
- I would like to breastfeed immediately after my baby’s birth, if needed/ recommended.
- I do not want my baby to receive bottles unless it’s medically necessary.
I will have my Haakaa pump with me at the hospital incase I need to pump (on my Amazon store).
Well that about sums up my current plan. I hope it has been helpful and at least the guide can serve as a starting point for your own plan.