Welcome! Today I’m sharing my most recent orders of the month. I realized I didn’t bring any Fall shoes with me to Florida so I needed to stock up with a few pairs that will go with a lot of pieces. Then I received this stunning tweed set from MVP Wardrobe. Use my cod for 15% off their site! SHOP:
Boots: https://rstyle.me/+ZElOKHufv1-Vh6cv-m…
Thong Heels: https://rstyle.me/+4vHTZmxEiXA99KMXKA…
Converse Platforms: https://rstyle.me/+eyljT7Fa4UxX_xx-9M…
MVP Wardrobe Blazer & Skirt: https://mvpwardrobe.com/discount/MVP9233 CODE: MVP9233 for 15% off Brown Dress:https://rstyle.me/+0dD1pb4QP1PCE2Wn8l…
Poncho (similar): https://rstyle.me/+qa-3iO3ETiX4xchsgA…
⭐️ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chiara.casi…
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⭐️ Blog: www.casiraghistyle.com
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📸Presets:https://www.etsy.com/shop/chiarapresets __
📧 For any business inquiries please contact casiraghistyle@gmail.com