I hope this blog post finds you healthy and safe! I wanted to add some levity to your week and share 10+ at-home beauty items you might be missing from your typical beauty appointments this month.
Missing your blow-outs? I know I am! The Revlon dryer brush is an easy styler to make your hair feel brand new for your ZOOM meetings!
Pedicure looking tragic? This at-home foot spa is highly rated and the foot massager will come in clutch during times of stress.
Tan-Luxe has a great line of self-tanners that have a focus on skincare. The Water is very easy to use! I know I feel better when I have a tan.
Missing your waxing/ laser appointments? There is a device for that! Kenzzi is an at-home IPL device and Silk Epil is at home depilatory.
You can find these items and more here:
Let me know what At-Home beauty devices and products are your heroes right now!